Get a tag for your pet now

Our solid metal tag is packed with technology that keeps your pet safe. They're scratch-proof, waterproof and don't require any batteries.
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black crumb tags
woman hug dog

When your tags arrive...

Once you have scanned and set up your Crumb tags, upgrade to Premium for as low as $4.95/month to activate all of the features that keep your pet safe. Or, if you only want the online pet profile, you can use that on all of your tags free.

Scan Location Alerts

If your furry friend ever strays, a simple scan and share sends their location straight to you, showing you exactly where they are on a map. Set your default contact in your owner dashboard to ensure the correct person is notified.
instant location
online pet profile

Online Pet Profile

Give your pet a fully-customisable online identity, giving anyone who scans their tag the essential information needed to get them home safe. Privacy is paramount - the owner’s phone number is always hidden thanks to our call masking technology.

What our Users are saying

Vet, Shelter & Community Notifications

If your pet goes missing, we instantly notify all vets and shelters within a 10-mile radius, as well as other Crumb members to ensure that as many local people as possible are on the lookout and ready to assist in your pet’s safe return.
vet shelter
privacy mode

Privacy Mode

Choose exactly which information you'd like to display or hide at any time. If you're ever concerned about your pet's name, home address or medical information being shown on the pet profile, you can immediately hide it.
Other pet tags Crumb tags
Scan Location Alerts
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Free Unlimited Replacements
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Vet & Shelter Notifications
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Multiple Contacts
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Private Calling
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Allergy Information
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Nutrition Information
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Community Notifications
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How does the tag work?

Each tag features a unique QR code on the back which links to your pet's profile. The profile contains all of the necessary information to get your pet returned safely to you, which you'll set up after your tag arrives in the post.

Is the tag safe?

Absolutely. Crumb tags do not require any batteries, so no harmful EMF radiation is emitted. They're also scratch-resistant and waterproof with extra-strong connections to keep them on your pet's collar or harness.

How much does it cost?

The physical Crumb tags are free, you only cover the shipping and handling costs. After you've added your pet's details, your online pet profile will be active. To enable all of Crumb's pet-saving features requires a monthly subscription.

Which pets can use the tag?

Any pet with somewhere to attach the tag! A collar ideally...

How does it work with multiple pets?

You can have as many pets as you like in your Crumb account! Order up to 5 free tags with your initial order (you can order more from your dashboard if you need to), then protect them all on one low monthly subscription.